We are currently developing my Gadget Show called MR-G. We = Gee-Jay + the boss and founder of Star TV, Paul Grau. He’s the man. Share on Facebook
We are currently developing my Gadget Show called MR-G. We = Gee-Jay + the boss and founder of Star TV, Paul Grau. He’s the man. Share on Facebook
Celebrating 30 days Stadtmusik Festival. Good times! Share on Facebook
It’s the last day on air at the Livingroom.FM Stadtmusik Festival. It’s almost like a vacation: it’s over too soon. I hope there will be a sequel in 2011! Share on Facebook
Very exiting new phones by HTC. Can’t tell you more about it, though. Amazing stuff coming our way this Autumn. Share on Facebook
Tickets are printed out (looks like Deutsche Bahn isn’t ready for paperless tickets yet), I’m going to meet my colleagues at the German HTC Headquarters. Share on Facebook
Just had an amazing dinner on our terrace. Now I’m full and happy… ready for bed and ready for a new, exiting week! I will be in Frankfurt on Tuesday and Wednesday for a meeting and Summer-Fest with HTC. It’s … Continue reading